Churnet Valley Dog Training classes in Staffordshire.
- Saturday progressing puppy and beginner dog. 10 am. KCGCDS.
- Saturday 10 am & 11 am- KCGCDS
- Wednesday the 23rd of October, 6 pm Puppy training course.
- Wednesday 7 pm Progressing puppy and KCGCDS.
Why not book a one to one training in your own home to get started with training while you are waiting for a course? It is time and money well spent and is an investment in your dog.
Sunday Training at Butterton Village Hall. Every Sunday at 10am starters and 11am more experienced dogs and dogs working towards KCGCDS awards.
Classes are indoors for the winter in a large warm hall.
I have places available for my classes every Sunday morning 10 am and 11 am.
at Butterton village hall ST13 7ST.
The class is different each week. We do lots of useful training, hoopers, rally obedience for fun and scentwork.
The class is £13.00 paid one week in advance to secure your place.
Ideal for people who can not commit to an eight week course.
Get in touch to book your place.
01538 703568 07791627034
"Train your dog for life"
'Using kind, positive methods of training for your dog'
Specializing in Pet Dog Obedience Training and Behaviour Modification.
"All Breeds Welcome"
Classes near Cheadle, Leek, Chedleton, Staffordshire Moorlands, Werrington, Stoke on Trent, Peak district, Buxton, Ashbourne.
'Dogs displaying aggressive behaviour in class, excessive barking or showing signs of not being able to cope in a class will be removed. This is for the safety and well being of the dog, the owner and the class. One to one sessions to help the dog and owner will offered in these case.
Phone Karen - 01538 703568 between 10am - 4pm, 6.30 pm - 8 pm. Monday too Friday Or email me: See customer reviews in the products section.
Diploma in Canine Behaviour and Psychology
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